By Matthew Sheldon
“I am here to ensure that the public we serve gets thebest service possible within our (BergrivierMunicipality’s) financial and administration means”.
So says, Victor Felton (54), Bergrivier Municipality’snewly appointed Director: Technical Services. Hethoroughly enjoys when, during his tenure, newinfrastructure is being created which contributes toenhancing the quality of life of all residents. He alsowants to, through municipal endeavours, be part ofuplifting the social and economic status of thecommunities within the municipal area.
Felton was appointed as from 01 February 2022 on apermanent basis.
The Technical Services Directorate is responsible forthe following functions within the Municipality: Bulkpurchasing and distribution of electricity; Upgrade andmaintenance of electricity networks; Bulk purchasingand distribution of water; Upgrade and maintenance ofwater networks; Upgrade and maintenance of watertreatment works; Provision of sewerage services;Construction and maintenance of roads and stormwater; building control; project management, refuseremoval, municipal buildings, fleet management andmaintenance of municipal buildings.
“We are a team of professionals working together toachieve the strategic goals and the vision of BergrivierMunicipality. This Directorate plays a key role in theprovision of several core services such as tarred roads,potable water, and electricity. It is my role within thisteam to ensure that we perform our tasks efficientlyand effectively so as to deliver high quality services tothe public,” said Felton.
Felton was born in Muizenberg in 1967 and moved tothe Eastern Cape for his high school education. Heobtained his Bachelor’s degree in Technology at theNelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth. He iscurrently a registered professional in the field of civilengineering.
With nearly 30 years of engineering experience,Felton’s internship career began at a consultancy firm,after which he had to do his compulsory militaryservice (officer’s course) in Kroonstad. After completinghis military service, he went back to work for aconsultancy firm, and worked for a period of time forMurray & Roberts on the National Road betweenDurban and Johannesburg.
After some years of working for various consultancyfirms, Felton eventually joined Nelson Mandela BayMunicipality as an Assistant Director: Contracts for 12years. Thereafter he moved to Kouga Municipality as aDirector: Technical Services and worked there for 10years.
“Besides the vast land and the heat in Bergrivier, thefirst thing that caught my eye is the quality servicesbeing delivered to communities which are of a highstandard when I compare it to municipalities in theEastern Cape,” said Felton.
During his free time, Felton loves fishing and playinggolf, and recently joined a local church group. Hementioned that he enjoys hunting too in the fields.
“Residents living in the Bergrivier Municipal Area arevery fortunate since they are receiving good servicesand facilities are in a good condition. I would like tocontribute to bringing excellent services to the peoplewe serve,” he concluded.