VELDDRIF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Business Excellence Nomination Form

An Organization representative of businesses and organizations within the Velddrif, Port Owen, Laaiplek, Noordhoek and Dwarskersbos areas


Nominations for a person or a business that has rendered excellent services, products, clean store, handled situations immaculately or has contributed to the community or town in such away putting the needs of others above his or her own. Do encourage your clients to nominate for your business or individual that deserves to be recognised.

Nominasies vir ‘n persoon of ‘n besigheid wat uitstekende dienste, produkte, skoon winkel gelewer het, situasies onberispelik hanteer het of daartoe bygedra het dat die gemeenskap of dorp in so ‘n weg die behoeftes van ander bo sy of haar eie stel. Moedig julle kliënte om vir U besigheid of as persoon te nomineer wat dit verdien en laat ons hulle die nodige blootstelling gee. 

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