7 September, 2022
9:00 am
Russells on the Port
Phill Conning and Tarryn-Lea Cusens, new Owners of Russells on the Port invite Members and Non-Members to a Coffee and Networking event:
Venue: Russells on the Port
Date: Wednesday 7, September 2022
Time: From 09:00 to 10:00
Topic: Of interest to our community will be a discussion on their plans for the future of Russells and presentation of their new menu.
Tea/Coffee or Juice and a light snack will be served
There is no charge for this event but please book your seat by visiting www.velddrif.info or calling Vicky Williams on 081 591 0815. The event is limited to 30 people so please book by Monday, 5 September for catering purposes and to avoid disappointment.
Phil and Tarryn are looking forward to seeing you then.